5 Fantastic Ways To Boost Your Immune System – Plus One You’ll Never Guess

It’s a little scary out there. Not only is it the cold and flu season, but now we have the new flu to deal with that’s wreaking havoc on the entire planet.

So, what can you do to help keep your family healthier?

I have 5 different ways I recommend to either strengthen your immune system or to boost your immunity.

First of all, let’s start with what is your immune system?

It’s the way your body identifies things that don’t belong. There isn’t any “command center” like there is with your heart and your circulatory system. It’s all over your body.

Your immune system can tell if the cells are damaged or if you have an infection in your body.

Your body also recognizes when you have foreign microbes in your body like viruses and bacteria because those cells actually give off signals your body recognizes as “pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).

Specifically, your skin works as a part of your immune system by blocking out foreign substances like germs from coming into your body.

Your bone marrow contains stem cells which may turn into B cells and T cells which both function on immunological memory (immunity). They’ve seen something like it before and know what to do.

Natural killer (NK) cells come from the stems cells as well but they can act on memory OR on the direct threat. Having strong NK cells is very important to a strong immune system.

NK, B and T cells are all known as lymphocytes.

Your lymph system also moves these cells around and they congregate in the lymph nodes.

Did you know your lymph system is the only system in your body that doesn’t have a specific way to move the lymph around?

There’s no heart, or lungs or digestive system which are powered by muscles. Your lymph system relies solely on your movement to move the lymphatic fluid around. That makes exercise even more important.

Ok, so how are we going to stay strong?

1) Beta Glucan

Beta glucan is found in baker’s yeast but don’t worry – taking this will NOT give you a yeast infection or a yeast overgrowth. In the processing of this substance the yeast is deactivated. BG is an amazing supplement to take to strengthen your immune system. It doesn’t create more NK and T cells – it makes them both work better.

BG has been studied over 150,000 times across the planet and is standard protocol in Asia for treatment for such things as cancer because it can be so effective in helping the body recognize bad cells. It is GRAS – generally regarded as safe – by the Food & Drug Administration.

My favorite brand for this is called Better Way Health and I buy it every month and take it every single day.

2) Black Seed Oil

The saying goes that the only thing black seed oil doesn’t cure is death.

I’m not sure about that but I do know it’s amazing for immune health. Also, a warning – it tastes like cumin because it is cumin. It’s strong. If you decide to take it as an oil, be prepared. That’s why I like the capsules.

I take one at lunch and one at dinner for good immune support

3) Oregano Essential Oil

This doTERRA oil has been studied and found to be as effective or more than antibiotics. It’s antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-everything. It kills whatever it comes in contact with.

WARNING: It’s VERY strong. It’s called a “hot oil” so it needs to be diluted if you’re going to use it anywhere beyond rubbing a drop or two on the soles of your feet.

I do that every night along with some bergamot – even when I’m feeling fine – for extra support and just in case I picked up something during the day. I’ve read bergamot helps with lymphatic drainage, which is something we all need while we sleep (sleep on your left side for maximum drainage).

I take oregano in a capsule if I’m taking it internally because it will burn your mouth otherwise.

4) On Guard Essential Oil

This doTERRA blend is FANTASTIC for all things immune-related.

It’s a blend of wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon bark and cinnamon leaf, eucalyptus leaf and rosemary leaf essential oils.

The story goes that this oil blend helped keep the grave robbers healthy while they robbed the dead victims of the Black Plague.

I don’t know if that’s true but I will tell you it smells amazing and works really well to help support a healthy immune reaction.

I use the oil in my diffuser; take it internally for an immune boost; I make in small spray bottles for hand sanitizer and germ killing spray. Likewise, I use the foaming hand soap, the toothpaste, the cleaning solution and I keep the pre-made hand sanitizers in my purse for spraying things like the grocery cart when I’m shopping or the tray table when I’m flying.

5) Other Oils

There are several other oils that are amazing at killing germs and keeping your health – tea tree oil (aka melaluca) – good for general cleaning. In addition, all the doTERRA citrus oils (except bergamot which is not for internal use) – orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit – are great for using in your water bottle for support a strong immune system. (NOTE: please do not plastic bottles – it may go through the bottom of a thin plastic bottle/cup because the EO molecules are smaller than the plastic molecules – use glass or metal).

BONUS! Clove oil – it’s been used for years to help sterilize dental instruments because of the amazing antioxidant properties the oil contains. It is also anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and many more. Plus, it smells great.

Use it as mouthwash – put a drop under your tongue and swish with water for a rinse that kills germs and freshens your breath. You can also put a drop on your toothbrush and rinse to help kill any germs that might be living there as well!

That’s it!

I hope these tips will help you stay healthy. Visit my website at my.doterra.com/marijotinlin and click “Become A Member” now to open your own wholesale account for JUST $35 the first year! After that, it’s $25/year with a FREE bottle of peppermint every time you renew!

Comment or shoot me an email at Marijo (at) bellaessentialoils.com and I’ll help you!

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About The Author

Marijo Tinlin

I’ve been using essentials since 2015 and love them. They are a part of my life everyday and I want to share that with you all too! Please check us out on Facebook as well at https://www.facebook.com/bellaessentialoils. If you need your own oils, check out my website at my.doterra.com/marijotinlin

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