7 Secrets to Fantastic Sleep (Plus One Trick To Bust “Mid-Somnia”)

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the foundations of health – you can concentrate, you have energy, you keep your cortisol levels in line and inflammation down, etc.

SOOOO many of us suffer, though, with not being able to get that coveted good night’s sleep.

We toss and turn before drifting into a fitful sleep or we fall asleep all right, but then awaken in the night and our brains start racing (aka “mid-somnia”). Good-bye restful sleep for the night!

Here are 7 easy ways to help you relax your mind and body to help you relax, fall asleep and stay asleep.

  1. Before bed, take a shower. It helps you feel clean and relaxed. At the end of the shower, turn the water to a cooler setting – you don’t have to take a cold shower. Just right before you hop out, let cool water flow over your body. It boosts the melatonin in your body and helps you fall asleep.
  2. At lunch and at dinner, take Magnesium L-Threonate supplements. I take 2 capsules at lunch and one at dinner. When you get enough magnesium (which most people don’t) it regulates your brain waves and helps calm your nervous system so you can slow down and sleep.
  3. Sleep in total darkness – get your room as dark as possible. This signals to your body that it’s time to relax and shut down. If you need black out shades, install those. Or, get one of those sleep masks to fool your eyes into darkness.
  4. Avoid electronics right before bed. Scrolling social media right before bed not only stimulates your brain due to the blue light (mimicking sunlight), it can also cause you to fixate on something you saw and then you can’t relax.
  5. Along this line, unplug EVERYTHING in your room. Get an alarm clock that’s battery-operated. Charge your phone during the evening so you don’t have to have the charger plugged in near you. Also turn off the wifi in your house at night – this will make a HUGE difference. I’m like the princess and the pea if the wifi is on, I cannot sleep.
  6. Get a grounding mat for your bed and sleep on it. This actually “resets” your body by mimicking sleeping on the ground outside, in contact with the earth. A grounding mat actually uses the ground socket in your outlet to channel that grounding into a mat. I can tell when I’m traveling that I’m not sleeping on the grounding mat because my wrinkles get worse – NO LIE!
  7. Use essential oils – of course I would say that! This is Bella Essential Oils’ website. Lavendar is known to help with relaxation. The doTERRA proprietary blend known as Serenity is AMAZING. It contains Lavender Flower, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute and Hawaiian Sandalwood. Serenity is available in 15ml bottles of about 285 drops and in softgels. I take a couple of softgels about 30 minutes before bed and those little gems help me sleep straight through the night.

One Last Trick – if you wake up in the middle of the night and you cannot get your brain to stop racing, try this:

Lay on your back and take 30 breaths. Be very conscious of each breath. It will take a few minutes so be patient. Feel it go into your lungs and out of your nose. Go as slow as you can, but only think about your breath.

Once you get to 30 breaths (if you don’t fall asleep first), on the last breath, empty your lungs and hold that as long as you can. You’ll probably start to tingle a little. Then, take a huge deep breath again.

That exercise is basically the Control-Alt-Delete of your body. It resets everything – your immune system and your brain. I actually can’t even get back to what I was obsessing about and usually fall asleep within just a minute or two of doing this exercise. Try it!

Want more ideas on a healthier lifestyle? Download our FREE book “Detoxify Your Life With Essential Oils” – click here to get this free resource!

Chocked full of tips and information all about good reasons to consider essential oils and other natural products instead of the commercially-produced drugs and chemicals that are present in SO many of our everyday products.

Get rid of your cleaners, detergents, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and start living the natural life. Get your 17-page FREE download now!

About The Author

Marijo Tinlin

I’ve been using essentials since 2015 and love them. They are a part of my life everyday and I want to share that with you all too! Please check us out on Facebook as well at https://www.facebook.com/bellaessentialoils. If you need your own oils, check out my website at my.doterra.com/marijotinlin

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